Post Dharma Celebration Retreats.

The Australian Dharma Celebration is a precious opportunity to receive empowerment and teachings from our National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Rabten. This experience is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time after the Dharma Celebration in retreat to improve our understanding of the teachings and take their meaning to heart.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia

Post Australian Dharma Celebration Retreat

with Gen Kelsang Tara | 21 - 23 April 2025

Following the 2025 Australian Dharma Celebration Gen Kelsang Tara will guide us in retreat on ‘The Request to the Lord of All Lineages Prayer’.

During this retreat we will have a precious opportunity to sit with the powerful wisdom contained in this blessed prayer and take it deep into our heart. Time on retreat allows us to transform understanding and knowledge into experience that will guide us to deep lasting happiness.

Set amidst the natural beauty and breathtaking views of Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, this retreat provides the perfect environment for reflection and spiritual growth.